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Binary Search Tree Visualizer

roshan798's github profile

This is a web-based application to visualize binary search tree operations. The user can insert a value to the binary search tree, find a value, delete a value, and traverse the tree using different traversal techniques. The application animates the binary search tree operations step by step in real-time to help users understand how the algorithm works.

An spotify Clone

Sahilll15's github profile

wesbite made using spotify api

Personal Taker

Hareesh108's github profile

This web based note taker application made using reactjs


AdityaLahane-2003's github profile

Hey ! Here is the newsletter project, you can use it!


SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

It is a Recruiting website for the Students and the working professionals.

Tip Calculator

A10-g's github profile

It's a simple Tip Calculator that can also be used as Simple Interest Calculator.


Parmesh119's github profile

This is the encrypted chat_application that is only accessible to those only who have writes to access it. No other can add or edit it.


mswat5's github profile

Hello! This Project is related to scrapping news from online articles


ujjawaltyagii's github profile

Built an image classifier using Python, Tensorflow and Keras with Jupyter Notebook to classify sad and happy faces.

Social Utopia

urz-ahmed's github profile

Immerse yourself in a captivating digital realm where creativity flourishes, as a responsive Front End Website built with reactjs and firebase invites users to effortlessly contribute, connect, and engage through content sharing, interactive ratings, and insightful discussions.